(continued from Simple Security)


Complex Security

Diagram 1: High Level Security Flow

User Security Level

In this example, the User Security Level can be broken down as follows:

Note: a security level of 99 should be restricted to no more than 1 or 2 Users.

Screen Shot 181: High Level Security–Users

Group Security Level

In this example, there is only one Group Security Level—Bookings: All Users that are in the Bookings Department will be added to this group.

Screen Shot 182: High Level Security–Bookings Group

Screen Shot 183: High Level Security–Accounts Group

Screen Shot 184: High Level Security–Maintenance Group

Application Security Level

The example below shows how it is possible via the different groups, to assign different levels of access to programs for Users—even if they have the same Security Levels set up under the User Security levels.

In the Application Security example in Screen Shot 185: High Level Security–Application Security–Bookings Group Screen Shot 185: High Level Security–Application Security–Bookings Group, only Booking Staff are able to raise an invoice from within a Fastbooking. The accounts staff do not access unless it is a Manager who has special permission. Therefore, for the Bookings Group: all Users with Security Level 0 are able to insert an Invoice via this application.

Screen Shot 185: High Level Security–Application Security–Bookings Group

Screen Shot 186: High Level Security–Application Security–Accounts Group

As Screen Shot 186: High Level Security–Application Security–Accounts Group shows, for the User Group Accounts, the Insert Action is set to Security Level 99 so that no Accounts staff can enter an Invoice via the Fastbooking> Accounts Summary> Invoice application unless they are part of the Management team, have a security level of 80 and know the Password.

Screen Shot 187: High Level Security–Application Security–Maintenance Group

For the User group Maintenance, only Users with Security level 99 can Insert, Change or Delete an Invoice as Screen Shot 187: High Level Security–Application Security–Maintenance Group shows.

(continued in Advanced Settings)